Harriet Oxley

A graduate of VCA (Theatre design) and RMIT (Fashion design), Harriet has designed and created costumes for dance, opera, circus and theatre companies across Australia since 2005.
Collaborations with companies in recent years include Entity (Back to Back Theatre) Die Walkure, Das Rheingold, The Flying Dutchman, Norma. (Melbourne Opera); Us 50, Neon Aether (Sydney Dance Company); Red, Dust, Attractor (Dancenorth, QLD); Nether, Anti-Gravity (Chunky Move); Pendulum, The Dark Chorus (Lucy Guerin Inc); Multiply, Colossus, Pile of Bones (Stephanie Lake Company); Laughter and Tears, Into the Woods (Victorian Opera); The Temple (Malthouse Theatre/ Pan Pan UK);and Wunderage, Aurora (Circus Oz).
Harriet collaborated on acclaimed independent productions Future History (Gabrielle Nankivell, SA) One Infinity (Beijing Dance Theatre/ Jun Tiang Fang/ Playking Productions), In Plan (Michelle Heaven) and If These Walls Could Talk (Dislocate Physical Theatre).
Harriet has been nominated for several Green Room Awards, winning once for design in Opera.